Ankle Biter High Heels

Excess ankle rubbing got you down? Things could be a whole lot worse...
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Crowded Bike Ride

Sometimes calling a taxi is not an option, however, thank your lucky stars that Pablo is always down with riding five deep.
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Beach Submarine

And just when you thought is was safe to back in the water...Jaws 18 "Crafty Sharks".
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Lion Wearing Wig

This is either a sign that the world has become too fashion aware, or a sure sign of the apocalypse.
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Tire Art

The coolest recycled sculpture ever? Or perhaps a waste of good rubber?
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Anti-Piracy Ad

You heard it folks, six months in the slammers! And just when you piracy with cool.
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Shadow Dance

Somebody once said, with age we are merely a shadow of ourselves.

This shadow dance is the perfect representation of that.
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Hands Free Cell Phone

Sure it serves the purpose, however the ridicule is hardly worthy it.

Hands free cell phone lady is a boon head!
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Hands Free Umbrella

I known what I'm getting everybody next Christmas!
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Baby Tattoo

People always seem to be saying "Start you're kids early", but i don't think this is what they had in mind.

Baby tattoos, a thing of the future?
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Chalkboard Knockout

Now this is what i call higher learning!

Finally, someone put that damn chalkboard to good use!
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Lifeguard Bath

Home should be a place to relax and feel at ease, but i guess you can never be too safe.
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